
Writer, musician, and host

Musings on a New Mission Statement

So recently, I’ve been moving away from being a musiciateacher and soloist and have been finding myself doing more writing and storytelling. Don’t get me wrong, I love music and will continue to pursue a classical chamber and soloist career. But I think it is time to update my mission statement to reflect the dungeons and dragons and writing aspects of my career.

I, Christopher Rondeau, will strive to create an emotional connection to my audience. Through music, I can stir a crowd to feel something that is indescribable by words. Through my writing, I can absorb the reader into a new world as a break from reality. Through collaborative storytelling, I can offer a place for community, laughter, and excitement. My goal is to provide sustenance for the imagination, stir the heart for lost feelings, and provide quality content in any art form.

Work in progress for sure. Thoughts?